SMS del santo:
"Ricorda la peccatrice perdonata, il figlio prodigo festeggiato e scorgi tu stesso quanto è vero che Dio perdona". (don Luigi Guanella)
giovedì 8 luglio 2010
Il Buon Samaritano
You make Your face to shine on me
and that my soul knows very well.
You lift me up, I'm cleansed and free
and that my soul knows very well.
When mountains fall, I'll stand
by the power of Your hand
and in Your heart of heart I'll dwell
and that my soul knows very well. (2)
Joy and strength each day I find
and that my soul knows very well.
Forgiveness, hope, I know is mine
and that my suol knows very well.
When mountains fall, I'll stand
by the power of Your hand
and in Your heart of heart I'll dwell
and that my soul knows very well. (3)
And in Your heart of heart I'll dwell
and that my soul knows very well. (2)
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