SMS del santo: "Ricorda la peccatrice perdonata, il figlio prodigo festeggiato e scorgi tu stesso quanto è vero che Dio perdona". (don Luigi Guanella)

domenica 11 ottobre 2015

Follow Me - Casting Crowns

At the end of myself Im empty and dry
I have nothing to give But surrender inside
Let down your nets This is not the end
From now on, youll be Fishers of men
Follow Me (4)

At the end of myself Judgment calls out my name
Ive been looking for love But Im swallowed by shame
Throw away all your stones Find forgiveness in Me
Let Me be your new passion My daughter, youre free
Follow Me (4)

At the end of myself Ive done things my own way
This world gave up on me Now its death I do pay
You know who I am Im sins sacrifice
Today you will be In paradise
Follow Me (4)

Who is this man who calmed the seas
And who is this man who loves the least of these

I am the promised One
God gave His only Son
And those who believe
Will live eternally

At the end of yourself, just follow Me
When you lose everything, just follow Me
I will give you new life, just follow Me, Follow Me

If at the end of yourself, just follow Me
You may lose everything, just follow Me
I will give you new life, just follow Me, Follow Me

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