mercoledì 10 settembre 2014

Carry Me To The Cross - Kutless

"Di null'altro mai ci glorieremo se non della Croce di Gesù Cristo, nostro Signore: egli è la nostra salvezza, vita e risurrezione; per mezzo di lui siamo stati salvati e liberati". (Antifona d'ingresso)

When the path is daunting
And every step exhausting
I'm not alone
I'm not alone, no, no
I feel you draw me closer
All these burdens on my shoulder
I'm not alone, I'm not alone
You pull me me from this place

You carry me every day
You carry me all all the way
You carry me to the
You carry me to the cross

How your love has moved me, yeah
To the foot of all your glory
I'm not alone, I'm not alone
I'm not alone

Hallelujah ...

All of these cities you have built
And every cathedral you have filled
To all of creation you gave life with your hands
And with those hands you comfort me
You lift me up from my knees
And carry me
You carry me

You carry me every day
You carry me all all the way
Hallelujah ...

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