venerdì 10 gennaio 2014

You are my son - Scarecrow and Tinmen

"Questi è il Figlio mio, l'amato ..." (Dal Vangelo di Matteo)

I should not cry though I'm broken inside
Why should I mope all day long
Living above takes the sting from these wounds
And I'm living by faith and not by sight
Then I hear His voice gently calling my name
Love to hear His voice in the cool of, in the cool of the day,

And I love you my son
And I love you my son
And I want to tell you that you're on my mind
The funny things you say and do and I love,
I love that you're mine

I know your name and I weep when you hurt
And I cheer when you win
Because you are my son
I will come when you call
I will hear your prayers
And I will fight for my name
Because you are my son, you are my son

Loving me when I am unlovable
You're patient when I'm far from it
Keeping no records of all of our wrongs
And His love has cancelled our debts
And I stand in awe of Your infinite grace
Knowing that you took our sin with its, with its sentence of death